Staffing remote developers

Hire senior pre-vetted remote developers with strong technical and communication skills at unbeatable prices, ready to work in your timezone.


Today, we live in a remote-first world. Companies compete to garner the benefits of remote engineering talent.

Hire remote developers the same caliber as Silicon Valley engineers

Perfect match with
Global Vetted Engineers

You get the most relevant top developers from over 10 countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Armenia, India, UAE, etc.). All engineers are carefully selected and additionally trained in the principles of effective remote work

Stop waiting — you can expand your team by 100 developers tomorrow.

Card requirements
Tailored to your requirements
  • Role
  • Tech Stack
  • Seniority Level
Card requirements
Your ideal developer
  • Typical engagement:
  • Time zone overlap:
    4 hours

How to Hire Developers through Umbrella IT

Talk to one of our industry experts
The Success Manager of Umbrella IT will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics.
Work with hand-selected talent
Within days, we’ll introduce you to the right developer for your project.
The right fit is guaranteed
Work with your new developer for a trial period (pay only if satisfied), ensuring he’s the right fit before starting the engagement.

Proofed by leaders

Shahid Mohamed
IT Director, Hamleys
The software is soon to launch for its users and the business expects to see its positive impact shortly. The project was managed well…
Jared Canova
VP of Product, Penske Media Corporation
Umbrella IT’s efforts have been met with high praise. The team members put customer service first and go above and beyond the call of…
Amanda Daume
Director of Sales Enablement, Revenue River
Umbrella IT has sparked an increase in business since they came on board as the primary web vendor. Their team is highly skilled and…
Jac Wong
Head of Engineering at ONESKY TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD.
We hired Umbrella IT because we needed a highly qualified development team to build our applications and microservices system. Umbrella IT…
Online deals company
VP of Product
They’ve [Umbrella IT] been very good in delivering information, transparency, and what I need. The final app has a 5-star rating on the…
Reviewer photo
Frank McMahon
Co-Founder, Mobile Payment Agency
Umbrella IT produced a great and efficient prototype. The client found it easier to develop their app. Moreover, their workflow was highly…

Why we better

The AI-backed Umbrella IT employee management system ensures that when you hire our remote developers, they will be highly productive no matter what time zone they are in.

Daily reports

The system automates business processes, such as creating daily reports, to increase developers’ productivity. The system will automatically generate reports and remind developers to complete them.

Employees spend up to an hour each day preparing reports for their supervisors. With our system, this time will be reduced to 5 minutes and developers will be more productive.


Our system creates a detailed picture of an engineer’s work day. When you hire remote developers, you no longer have to spend extra time synchronizing with them, asking what they did or what they’re doing now. You receive a transparency of work which has never been possible before.

Usually, it is hard to manage remote employees from other countries, and they tend to work 6.5-7 hours a day. We guarantee that it will be 8 hours for the same money. You will get a detailed report every day.


AI helps you track the performance of engineers based on your individual preferences and improve collaboration with your employees.

When you hire remote developers, you may want to make sure that they don’t spend time on WhatsApp, Facebook, or YouTube. Our AI highlights non-productive working hours, and we remove them from the bill.

Developer happiness

AI tracks the employee’s happiness index, and if he is not satisfied with the work, we will tell you what you need to talk about with your engineer in order to build a long-term working relationship.

Sometimes it is really hard to guess if a person from another culture or religion is not happy with the job and wants to leave your company soon. When you hire remote developers, our AI will highlight a potential problem, and you will be able to prevent it. This way, up to 70% of workforce turnover cases can be avoided.


Automated process of transferring intellectual property from developers to the customer, with confirmation of the finished work.

It might be risky to hire remote developers from other countries, as the IP rights might not be correctly transferred. We collect all the information about what the developer did, and every month we pack it in a ZIP file: all the screenshots and info about the files and tasks that the developer worked on. RomDo ensures that developers e-sign away all the IP rights so that the work they have done belongs to you. You will keep all the rights and proof of work.

Daily reports Transparency Efficiency Developer happiness Security

Available Developer Skills