
Neural network
for OCR
iPad & AppleWatch
Customer Development testing performed and app positioning priorities reset
UX/UI for mobile app created from scratch
Adding contacts into CRM accelerated 2 times and risk of losing business cards eliminated
Customer Development testing performed and app positioning priorities reset

To test the idea of an app for exchanging business cards with real users.
Apps with similar functions are widely represented in the market. It was neccessary to define the relevant user pain in order to find and implement a corresponding solution.
The initial idea of the app was to scan a business card and get the data automatically added to contacts. We assumed that the feature may be useful, for example, during large-scale events, when business cards run out just when you need them most of all.
The Customer Development testing series was run to verify the idea. The results showed that people do not scan business cards in the course of a conference, but rather after the event, when they feel relaxed. In addition, if, upon meeting a person, you take a business card, scan, and return it to the owner – this can be interpreted as a breach of etiquette.
Based on the results of Customer Development testing, we continued to develop the app with an emphasis on the feature of sharing a virtual business card through shortcuts, widgets, and Siri, that allows creating business cards and sending them to any distance.
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